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Weekend Wrap-Up & New Acquisitions

Sat 28 Sep 2024

A busy work week segues into an eventful weekend with household projects, pest control, and new purchases, including a tobacco pipe and gadgets, setting the stage for interesting weeks ahead. Read More…

Life in Overdrive: A Chaotic Yet Wonderful Ride

Tue 24 Sep 2024

A day in crazyland where work and personal life collide, leaving no time to enjoy or process everything. From installing kitchen faucets to using an air compressor to help friends and family with tire pressure checks, one person’s life is a whirlwind of activities. Read More…

Sunday the 22nd of September

Sun 22 Sep 2024

Here is a little weekend update… Read More…

Busy Days, Loving Moments

Thu 19 Sep 2024

A hectic workday contrasts with the excitement of welcoming a loved one back from afar. Amidst busy projects and conference calls, thoughts are with family members navigating new challenges and seeking peace in an uncertain setup. Read More…

Wednesday Win & A Healthy Update

Wed 18 Sep 2024

A smooth doctor’s appointment, updates from loved ones in Cyprus, and pride in their experiences - a positive mid-week wrap-up. Read More…

The Ordinary and The Awesome

Mon 16 Sep 2024

A routine workweek starts with technical issues is alleviated by a successful mitigation plan, while personal life shines with a lovely dinner and a satisfying 3D printing project to think back on. Read More…

Chaos to Serenity: A Week of Ups and Downs

Sat 14 Sep 2024

The writer navigates a chaotic week, from cancelled trains to crazy Friday mornings, but finds moments of serenity with loved ones, beautiful sunsets, and energizing conversations. Despite exhaustion, they cherish the memories and look forward to tomorrow’s adventures. Read More…

Tech Tasks & Farewells

Tue 10 Sep 2024

The writer reflects on a technical Linux project, experiencing mixed emotions, while also preparing for friends’ departure. Personal updates include website changes and excitement about new tobacco pipes. Read More…

The Last couple of days: New Pipes & Adventures Ahead

Sun 8 Sep 2024

The writer reflects on an amazing weekend coming to an end, shares exciting news about new tobacco pipes arriving, and catches up on friends’ adventures. Projects ahead include writing his life story. Read More…

Friday Frenzy & New Pipe

Fri 6 Sep 2024

A chaotic workday was followed by excitement - I ordered my new Savinelli 321 smooth tobacco pipe! Despite the office mayhem, a pleasant call with Swedish colleagues brightened up the day. Now, we wait for our pizza order to arrive… 45 minutes too late, hopefully it’s worth the wait! Read More…


"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson