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Bookmarks - Drone


Updated: 2023-04-18 13:27:03 CETHow to build a drone: An article on how to build a drone. Consider this as an overview, but it has some interesting links and list good points to consider.

Updated: 2023-04-18 13:42:23 CETAll3D article about building drones: Great reference building drones with 3D printing and Raspberry Pi in mind.

Updated: 2023-04-18 22:23:50 CETYoutube clip: Walkthrough of a drone build with Pixhawk Px4 Flight controller, ArduPilot, programable Flysky FS-i6X Transmitter/receiver etc setup. The links provided have some nice resources, the clip is less...

Updated: 2023-04-18 23:47:11 CETYoutube clip on Pixhawk 6C: clip on Pixhawk 6C. A lot of interesting resources

Updated: 2023-04-18 23:55:05 CETHolybro brand: Nice parts, components and frames, kits etc

Updated: ... CET3dxr Shop: This is UK based drone parts shop. It claims that duty, VAT etc does not have to be paid... Very interesting products.

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"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson