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Bookmarks - Web Development and Hosting

Web Development and Hosting

XML-Sitemaps: Nice online sitemap builder tool. Another very good is mysitemapgenerator Best, cheapest, fastest domain registration.

Contabo: At the moment the best VPS, cloud computing and web hosting provider.

2022-01-13 22:46:27 CET Hetzner: Might just be the better cloud computing and web hosting provider?!!??

Statcounter: statistics of the traffic to your site.

2021-07-27 12:23:27 CET Google Analytics: statistics and performance of your website. GTM - Google Tag Manager - is also here

Google Search Console: Search console for analyzing your site. Also the place to upload the sitemap files for better SEO.

Google search API: Search API dashboard!

2021-08-29 14:32:44 CET robots.txt Tester: Google robots.txt tester tool.

2022-01-27 15:46:10 CET Google Search central: Google search and SEO explained. Great information and tools.

Netlify: A Git-based workflow and powerful serverless platform building, deploying your site.

Google Fonts: Fonts and icons.

Fontawesome: Great free icons. The best search expression (in this example; search for Raspberry) is

2021-09-20 18:03:03 CET Unsplash image API: Nice API image resource from Unsplash!

2021-09-20 18:27:58 CET Small Dev Tools: A small set of dev tools - URL-, base64 encoder/decoder, code share, Markdown converters and editors etc!

2022-01-13 23:01:58 CET DNS Checker: DNS check and lookup. A lot of details shown. Great tool!

2022-02-14 08:23:08 CET hexcolortool.som: Great HTML - HEX, RGB and HSL code check tool. Brilliant!

2022-02-14 08:23:08 CET The best free image search are and!

2022-02-21 13:34:43 Great web/CSS animation generator. A lot of nice stuff and easy to use!

2022-02-21 13:34:43 Great web code generator. A lot of useful code - HTML, CSS, Meta tags, Open Graph etc!

2022-02-21 13:34:43 Generates CSS Keyframe animations and transitions. Didn't get it to work yet...

2022-02-21 13:46:53 Online HTML, CSS and JS editor. Nice with the added code help function!

2023-03-07 10:20:22 CETDummy Image: This is a great dynamic image generator - you can set background- and fore ground colour and even write your text. Superb! Hang on, tame the horses, a kind sole shared this dummy image Thanks for the kind words and the resource my mystery friend K. ;-) generator resource with me. The interface is better and I especially like the option of using a "dummy stock image". Nice touch! Another difference it that it will download the physical file that you have created.

2022-05-30 22:38:00 CETMy AWS Lambda test website: The Free Tier AWS services are really interesting. Here is a test Lambda page I created!

2022-12-01 09:51:49 The best email form submit to use in webpages!

2023-01-07 15:10:02 CETSailboatUI and TailwindCSS: This is a web development framework, an UI for TailwindCSS! It's an alternative to Bootstrap, similar implementation technology - can be installed with NPM as CLI, standalone installation and also CDN integration.

2023-04-04 13:54:53 CETCodeberg: GIT hosting and collaboration service. The web hosting service is called pages.

2023-05-13 18:42:17 CETBunny Fonts: Bunny fonts that replaces Google fonts.

2023-05-18 12:50:38 CETPelican: Pelican is a static site generator based on Python. Interesting alternative to Hugo and GatsbyJs etc.

2023-07-26 22:20:38 CETClone: I just bought this app, well I bought the commit and Push functions for 9.99 Eur. Let's see if it is worth it...

2023-08-17 19:20:27 CETBrevo: SMTP email service and so much more. Used to be SendInBlue...See also the MailJet entry here below.

2023-08-20 12:46:39 CETMailJet: SMTP email service and so much more. This is a direct competitor to Brevo.

2023-08-17 19:27:13 CETImprovMX: One of the absolutely best email forwarding services. Works (for now at least, the same service at Cloudflare was stopped) with Gmail.

2023-10-20 20:28:51 CETTina CMS (Hugo): I am checking out if Tina CMS is an option to use. I am currently (check the timestamp) installing it to one of my Github sites...

2023-12-04 10:04:15 CETUxwing: A very nice set of FREE icons to use as an alternative to Fontawesome. I download the SVG and copy the D="..." snippet/code into the page...

2024-01-23 23:10:00 - Random images from Unsplash: It's a nice website full of tips and tricks that the web front-end developer Andreas Wik has put together. I especially like (and use) this one! Here Another tip on how to switch between light and dark themes with CSS and Javascript! is another nice tip as well.

Updated: 2024-02-09 22:56:28 CETNerdfonts: It's a little bit like Fontawesome for icons, but different and the collection seems huge!

Updated: 2024-03-21 19:48:19 CETPexel: Just like Unsplah (link on this page) Pexel provides a great service of free pictures.

Updated: 2024-07-06 17:27:09 Strato webhosting, cloud storage and server. Swedish company with one of the best deals/services around.

Updated: 2024-08-26 14:41:10 CETGithub Documentation: This is the documentation on how to change DNS settings - I add the 4 IP4 servers as A records and the CNAME entries.

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"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson