What's this then? Nice that you dropped by! What is this about then? Consider this being my semi-organized braindump, it is to collect stuff for future references. I'll try to stay with in two categories - daily reflections and gadgets and techie stuff. I am so organized! Another aspect of this is to learn and explore, to see what's possible only using the basics of web technology, going back to how it used to be - just writing websites in plain HTML and CSS. Daily reflections is where I write about random stuff that is occupying my mind currently. My daily log of thoughts over a nice cup of coffee. It can be anything, with no restrictions and I prefer to do it in my own platform, my own way with full control. Not chasing Likes, Views or anything destructive like that... What about Gadgets and techie stuff then? It's simple - who doesn't like gadgets, right? Things like 3d printing (love it), Raspberry Pi (fantastic), RC & drones (too fun), Linux (super interesting), IoT (how cool is that), general IT solutioning and IT architecture (ohhh nice), IT development (it's a must) ...the list is long and it will certainly not be restricted. How about navigating the site then? For the one who's been around this site went through a huge facelift. The basic style is still similar, but it's now under the umbrella of Cloudflare. Further I am now using Hugo - the fantastic static site generator! That was by far the biggest effort, to get everything into the framework correctly. But now, I am happy I did! The biggest change on the aspect of navigating the site, is the the bottom menu section was removed and replaced by the dynamic dropdown menu list located in the top right section (the menu bar iconplaced left of the translation). You can always reach the starting page by clicking the main header titleThe main header title is the green header text located on the left side in the header section by the coffee cup logo. which is a quick-link. So take a deep breath, lean back, relax and enjoy the daily posts. There might be content of your liking, feel free to search Search the huge archive of content here. the huge archive. ...Or maybe you prefer exploring my Bookmark pageYou will find a lot of interesting and useful resources here completely free!? It's my knowledge base full of useful resources ordered in a categorized way. ...Or take a break and enjoy some random pictures from internet on The Random 7 pageSome pictures randomly selected from the web ordered in 7 categories!? ...and if there are any remarks, comments, donations... send me a message hereSend a nice constructive message please.. Enjoy it! Send me a message As you have noticed, I do not let people like or comment my posts directly. It is done on purpose, the idea is to focus on the content and not the likes. Free from clutter. I leave that up to platforms like Facebook, Instagram and others... However, as of now, you can send me a message separately. A comment, feedback, question...anything really! Sign up for the newsletter Subscribe to the newsletter here: Email Address This is the weather where I live