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Friday Frenzy & New Pipe

6 of Sep 2024

Fri 6 Sep 2024, 7:58:53 pm CET OK, yes I did it. But later more about that...Apart from that, it was a typical working Friday, madness the whole day. At least when it comes to planning, it was absolutely not possible. Back-to-back and add-hoc calls whenever there was a slot free. At least I had the call with the Swedish team, it is such a nice group of people in that call, we always have the Friday-fika-happy-it-is-Friday feeling. We have great fun together, not saying it just because I am Swedish (it was 30 years ago I worked there) but simply because it's a nice bunch of people. As simple as that. Different story for most of the other calls though...

But OK, and here is what I had in my head when starting writing, I placed the order yesterday. Yes, I am officially as of yesterday night with a new tobacco pipe. Yes, I am expecting the "Savinelli 321 smooth". It's one of my absolute favourite models for a long time. Just have a look at this beauty tobacco pipe,savinelliLook at this beauty, the "Savinelli 321 smooth". Isn't it just fantastic?! I wonder when I will get it...

OK, we decided to order Pizza tonight and, at 20:51, we are still waiting for it. About 45 minutes too late, hopefully they're here soon...

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. Fri 6 Sep 2024, 7:58:53 pm CET Did you know that today in 1620 is when the Pilgrims Read more about them on Wikipedia. sailed from Plymouth, England on the Mayflower to settle in North America.

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-Bill Watterson