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Tech Tasks & Farewells

8th until 10th of Sep 2024

Tue Sep 10 2024, 11:26:24 pm CET Today we started a critical step in one of my projects, it is an extremely technical and infrastructural Linux related task. I have dual feelings, for me it is a very interesting/scary thing to do. The first phase seems to have completed fine, the production system is still working and there are no obvious errors reported. Hyper-care will continue this week, that is how focused and sensitive the process is (obvious for any production systems).

J. is back in Antwerp for a last goodbye evening in the apartment together with K. It will be some time before she is back there again there. I am sure there are mixed feeling going on now. Tomorrow evening they are back here, H. is arranging a going away dinner, on Thursday we have a more intimate moment the 4 of us with them because on Friday morning J. and K. are leaving for Cyprus.

I have actually been working on the website but no posts yesterday, just telling if you didn't already notice. I have completely re-worked the Bookmarkspage. If you now navigate to it, you will first notice the main categories. Find your favourite category, select it and you can scroll through and enjoy those items accordingly. Then, conveniently, you can just navigate backwards and pick another category...

Other interesting things, well, at least on my list of interesting things one can do; is following the status of my orders and discover their services. Of course I am talking about my Tobacco pipes. My new Savinelli (from Check this out, very interesting new provider located in Dublin. I have already been in contact with the support.) and Peterson (from the brilliant Check this out, I only have positive experience with these guys. They are located in Maastricht in the Netherlands. My birthday gift from mum!) tobacco pipes!

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. Tue 10 Sep 2024, 7:30:46 pm CET Did you know that today 1573 is when the German pirate Klein Henszlein Read more about them on Wikipedia. and 33 of his crew are beheaded in Hamburg.

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"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson