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Balancing Act: Studies, Heat, and Hobbies in a Busy Week

8th until 13th of August 2024

Tue Aug 13 2024, 1:56:14 pm CET There were a couple of days before I wrote here, almost a week. It is just that "life came in between", a lot with everything. J. is in his study period, it took some time to settle in after all the travelling, but now he is well into the routines. It been very warm here lately, yesterday was 36 degrees and today it is "only" 29 weather forecastThis is a snapshot of the weather forecast... (but it feels worse today, like there is no oxygen in the air).

Even if it is a lot to do, the small breaks are important. Like when we walked to the golf course just to hit a bucket of balls on the driving range golf, driving rangeThe driving range at our local gold course. It is a really nice place to go to just get away for a short while. to do something else. It is perfect activity to just zoom out and clear our heads.

Some other other small projects that I manage to squeeze in were to do some 3D printing and do some investigations on how to grow tobacco. I have managed to do 3 3D printing projects, namely a golf tee, tobacco pipe stand and a laptop camera cover. I think I already wrote about the bicycle valve dust caps Check it out here, this is the 3D printing files that I downloaded from that I 3D printed earlier. When it comes to growing tobacco I needed answer on first was if it is even possible to grow it in Europe and to harvest it? The short answer is, "absolutely. As long as it is for personal use". I found out that it is possible to buy the seeds from Amazon, you can even chose the different kinds of tobacco leaves, like Virginia, burley etc.

I also invested some time on how to migrate the existing The music school of my mother in law. site to a cheaper hosting alternative. I will still keep the domain registration with but move the content to another place. OK, now it is time to get back to work and an upcoming conference call. I had my short break...

Did you know that today in ... is when ... Randomly picked historical events that occurred on this day. Tue Aug 13 2024, 1:56:00 pm CET Did you know that today is the National Prosecco Day Read more about it here..

"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson