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The Ordinary and The Awesome

15th and 16th of Sep 2024

Mon Sep 16 2024, 1:13:14 pm CET The work-week started as per usual, calls and more calls. We are also digging deep into a potential issue that was discovered during the hyper-care period. It is not when you want to discover issues. Anyways, nothing really something out of the extraordinary in my line of work. Then the mitigation plan comes handy...

Yesterday ended very nice, an unplanned dinner with our neighbour ladies. It was a nice evening with laughs, nice food and inspiring talks. As usual.

In the weekend I mentioned earlier that I found a model to 3D print, a very nice tobacco pipe holder. I 3D printed it with PETG 3d printing,tobacco pipe,prusaI 3D printed the tobacco pipe holder in PETG semi-see-through material. It is a basic design and it came out great! and the result Savinelli, tobacco pipe, 3d printingLook how nicely my Savinelli pipe is resting in the tobacco pipe holder. was great.

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. Mon 16 Sep 2024, 11:59:56 am CET Did you know that today 1908 is when the General Motors Corporation Read more on Wikipedia. is founded.

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"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson