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From Mediation to Modification: A few days of Upgrades an...

22nd until 24th of August 2024

Sat Aug 24 2024, 12:27:20 pm CET Yesterday was a nice ending to a busy work week, I was able to handle some needed mediation to mitigate some potential upcoming issues. Nice things yesterday but on the private front was the dinner with our neighbor ladies. Nice talks and laughs with nice food again.

We finally received the new faucet kitchen faucetThe very nice new and shiny kitchen faucet. Looks amazing! for the kitchen yesterday delivered. It is a similar to our current faucet, but after about 20 years it has to be retired. Rust in peace old companion.

Earlier this morning I finally fixed "the Random 7" webpage As you might know, I have a little mini gallery with carefully selected images to visualize a snapshot in time and of special meaning. - the gallery page I have on this fantastic website.

If time allows today, I will try to 3D print an object that need to be 3D printed again. I 3D printed it in PLA not thinking that it need to be safe for a dishwasher. The water bottle capwas deformed after it was washed, I will try to 3D print it in PETG this time.

Did you know that today in ... is when ... Randomly picked historical events that occurred on this day. Sat Aug 24 2024, 12:17:59 pm CET Did you know that today in 1909 is when workers start pouring concrete for the Panama Canal.

"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson