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Second Holiday Trip

8th until 24th of July 2024

Wed Jul 24 2024, 1:09:09 pm CET Has it been that long? Yes, more than 2 weeks passed since last update around here. But it's been a holiday in between without a real possibility of updating. I could have done it (via the iPad and the GITHub compatible remote connection app that I have installed for the very same purpose. I used that same app to keep the site updated last year when we travelled to Greece). I guess it was being lazy and taking the opportunity of completely enjoying the holiday. Madeira and the location where we where is absolutely fantastic. Arco da Calheta This is truly a magic place. (west of Funchal) and the surroundings is simply a magic place! I took hundreds of pictures, so expect more to come.

I am writing a quick update here today just before our next travel - holiday number two. This year we have the luxury of two travels - Madeira and Sweden - both happening in July. We are taking the flight from Schiphol (Amsterdam airport) again, pretty much same procedure as last time concerning those arrangements. I prefer Schiphol to Zaventem (Brussels) airport. Then in Sweden, we will be staying in Bromma after some hassle during the Airbnb booking. We also rented a car for the period that we are in Sweden. After some research, it is the most cost efficient arrangements if we take everything in consideration that we want to do.

OK, now I am finishing up at work as much as possible, finalize the packing, charging the car and then we will soon take off.

Did you know that today in ... is when ... Randomly picked historical events that occurred on this day. Wed Jul 24 2024, 11:02:31 am CET Did you know that today in 1487 is when citizens of Leeuwarden [[TOOLTIP TEXT HERE]], Netherlands, strike against a ban on foreign beer.

"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson