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Strange Weather and Air Compressor

Sat 8 Jun 2024

Whimsical weather and I received something that’s been 20 years in the making. Read More…

Is it Friday yet?

Tue 4 Jun 2024

Feels like the last couple of days lasted forever. Not in a bad way though. There were some nice things (not only the positive news about earlier delivery of the air compressor ;-) ) happening and some nice updates on my little project… Read More…

Crazy Times

Mon 3 Jun 2024

This is an update that I migrated over from my current website, it a post covering 31st of May until and of June. Read More…

Finally some progress

Sat 1 Jun 2024

Finally some progress, things are happening and I am getting excited. I have made some investigations and learned more about Cloudflare and how DNS works. I also solved one minor thing related to styling (CSS). We are getting closer… Read More…

It Is Getting Closer

Sun 14 Jan 2024

The new site it getting closer and closer to release. I am putting the last effort into it, I start seeing the final result. Read More…

...And We Are on the Way

Wed 3 Jan 2024

OK here we go, we are already 3 days into 2024. Read More…

Christmas 2023

Wed 27 Dec 2023

OK, that was Christmas 2023. It’s all done, the parties and all the gifts have been shared between family and friends… Read More…


"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson